Throttle cables play ???

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R1100S Mechanik
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Throttle cables play ???

Post by R1100S Mechanik »

[/b] Why am I having so much problems with setting up my throttle cables.
I've done research on the web in regards to this topic and the other day I tried to set my throttle cables up, but I couldn't get the required free play everyone states I should have .
All my cable adjusters are screwed down on the throttle bodies and it seems I can't get any freeplay. Also when I started the bike up the next day the fast idle lever didn't work either (jammed)

What to do ? :cry:
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Post by Motostratos »

Suggest using the search on this forum :D

I had the same problem with the fast idle recently - need to remove the bar end and grip and you will notice a small screw on the fast idle lever that has come loose. Tighten and all should be fine :D

If still unsure, there is a thread with images on here if you use the search.
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Post by nab 301 »

This is the screw that could be loose,(centre) and possibly you need to look at the cable junction box (tank off job ) . Some lubrication may help


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Post by timbox2 »

I also found on my S that there is a detent ball and spring on the fast idle lever that had rusted solid and prevented the lever from returning all the way back, but in your case I would also suspect the junction box.
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