Nicely colormatched Mandarin yellow, and the inside painted silk black.

Close-up of the paintwork, really smooth and mirror finish. No way I could have done this myself, even if had been able to get the correct color.

But it has to get on the bike of course, so on the lift it is and get working!

All done, and ready to Rock 'n Roll. I have to say I am really, really pleased with how this turned out. I loved it before, and love it even more now. Who needs a 12 when you have something like this parked in your garage?

I figure I am pretty much done modding my bike. It's a pretty extensive list by now...
- Wide rim
- Sport shocks (with HyperPro springs mounted)
- Short paralever arm
- White lenses all round
- Ilmberger carbon fiber hugger
- Double bubble screen
- Staintune exhaust
- Lennie's CF induct
- FosterRAD chip
- K&N filter
- Datatool alarm
- BCR belly pan
- Braided brake lines front and rear
- Stainless steel bar-end weights
- HyperPro RSC (progressive) steering damper
- HID headlight
- Engine vent relocation
- Full-floating front discs with matching rear
The HyperPro springs on the sports struts work really well. I had the dampers tested and they were ok, but full replacements shocks are still on my wishlist.
The discs are da bomb. Forget what you may think, this is by far the best mod I made to the bike. Major stopping power when you touch the lever. And like right now. My bike is a non-ABS bike, but with these discs it is like having servo brakes. I mean eye popping stopping power. F**k stock discs. F**k wave discs. They aren't even remotely close to what these discs manage, and I tried them all. I actually replaced my favorite DP pads with the OE white pads which are less aggressive to give myself a little time getting used to the brakes really braking. With the DP pads they were so aggressive, I was worried making a very expensive mistake while retraining my brain and fingers to the new situation. Two fingers on the brakes squeezing not even hard and the rear starts feeling loose as it barely skims the road, and that's with the OE pads. Yes, they are a little heavier than the standard setup, and no I can't feel it. And I don't really care because they make the bike stop so unbelievably good. So dramatically better than both the stock and the Braking wave rotors I had. They're expensive, but they are worth every penny and then some.