Decal set for BCR?

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Decal set for BCR?

Post by bmwink »

From across the pond...

I tipped over my BCR and ended up with new side panels. However, my dealer tells me they are all white and require a decal to get the blue/white pattern. Cost at my dealer was $150USD! I was astonished. For a decal?

So question is: Is there a less costly source of the BCR decal sets available in the UK or Europe?


'03 BCR #23
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skiddy boxers
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Post by skiddy boxers »

Hi bmwink

There are companies here who will make up vinyl decals such as to order at reasonable prices. I have used them to make up the bellypan sponsor decals. I have no idea if these guys would deal with you in the States but you could contact through their website and ask.

You will almost certainly have the same sort of companies stateside somewhere. Have you google searched for bike decals?

Biggest problem I can see you having in using a non genuine BMW decal is getting the right shade of blue to the original.

Good luck with your search


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