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Advice needed

Post by rogerslater »

Hi ,

My bike has started running as rough as the proverbial bears arse in a sandstorm. Rough idle and very vibey from 2500- 4000 rpm. Have ordered new plugs and cleaned the old ones, which seem in reasonable nick(Brisk).
I have done the valve clearances and tried a throttle synch, but with very poor results. No matter what I do with the air screws, it seems to stay at about 900 and be very lumpy. I am using my Morgan carbtune and I see from other posts that a Twinmax seems to be the only way to go. I dont really want to take it to a dealer. Any thoughts?




Post by winger »

Hi Roger

Could be a million and one things,i'm away from tomorow for a week,you know were i live so your more than welcome to come and try a Twin Max,i have to say as soon as you mentioned Brisk,i took an intake of breath,did a lot of home work on them,and decided against, they are on such a fine line i see that they recomend different plugs depending on which chip you have.

They actually have specific centers for Brisk plugs in Holland and Germany,when i contacted them,they refused to sell to me without seeing the bike,i've a german mag with War an Piece on the subject,so you can imagine my horror to see Motorworks flog e'm over then counter on a seeya later basis,as i said it could be anything,bring it round i'm sure the mafia will put their two peneeth in.
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Post by rogerslater »

Thanks Chris,

I have been using the Brisk plugs for about 3 years with no problems, so I think they might not be the primary problem. Thanks for the offer of the Twinmax. I guess it will have to wait until you get back. Going somewhere nice?

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Post by bigblackfalco »

If the bike will only manage to tick over at 900rpm and you've checked plugs, valve tolerances, air filter, and fuel filter, then I'd suggest a check with a compression tester to see if your valves are leaking..
There would be no other explicable reason for such a drop in engine speed.
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Post by winger »

Hi Roger

Have sent you a PM.
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Post by iandunn1100ss »

This may sound silly but have you checked the throttle cables are seated right at the adjusters on the throttle bodies,they are easily moved while clening/trinkering.
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Post by Jason M »

Stupid question maybe, but is the vibration when you are riding, or when you rev the engine statically to 3500-4000? If you're getting riding vibes as opposed to engine vibes it could be nothing to do with the engine. Crosswinds like at the moment send horrible shivers ans shakes through my bike :shock:

Are all the seals tight from the airbox to the intakes. I had one of those big O rings on the intake from the airbox get knackered when I put the airbox back on :oops: Might be getting too much air from somewhere.

Ps - I've used Brisk plugs for 10's of K without a problem, but I don't have a chip... appart from the one on my shoulder :wink:

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Post by dave2wheels »

Hi Roger
just thinking has the problem been developing
1. or just happened in which case it is more likely to be the throttle cable and hence the butterfly not returning properly-TPS/fuel management trying to determine either engine idle and throttle shut for engine breaking as I understand the fuel is shutoff then surges after opening. (like my red bike) however don't think this is a big cause of poor idling...more likely to be....
2. air leaks? check or replace inlet rubbers, done mine recently (and caps on the vacuum stubs) I'm investigating low throttle opening problems it's like a leaky throttle shaft worn (like my grey bike)...I'll let you know on saturday when it's sorted!
my 2 bikes are like chalk and cheese it's amazing...well one is red and the other is grey for starters.....ok I'm off.
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Post by BR11S »

Hi roger,
Want me to pop over with a twinmax and compression tester?

Will be in malvern on thursday or firday
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Post by gus »

As someone has already said,check the cable is seated correctly.Take out the brass screws and give em a clean,they can gunked up and not seat correctly.Again, maybe double check valve clearances and ensure everything is honky dory.
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Post by rogerslater »

Thanks for all the advice guys. I had another go today and found that if you use the Morgantune upside down it is a lot more sensitive (picked that up somewhere on the interweb). It now is idling at 1100 and seems smooth through the range, but I did not have time for a road test, which I will do tomorrow.

Bern, if you could pop in with Twinmax that we be great. let me know when you can make it. I am around both days.



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Post by snavetrauts »

Twinmax v Morgantune...... I think this is a very loose argument. Previous writers have said that the MT is nowhere near as good as the TM... I cannot make that judgement as I have never used a TM. But in terms of your problem and most general balancing problems, it is the ability to get both sides somewhere the same.... and this is easily achieved on the MT upside down or not

Well that's my view anyway

It would be interesting to see the difference if you did take up on one of the many kind offers. But I suspect you would not be far out.

Stuart :oops: :oops:
Last edited by snavetrauts on Wed May 09, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rogerslater »

Hi Bern,

Forgot to say that I have done a compression test and they are fine, so no need for that.


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Post by BR11S »


Give me a bell on worcs 422213.

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Post by oyster »

Twinmax v Morgantune...... I think this is a very loose argument. Previous writers have said that the MT is nowhere near as good as the TM...

I have used both quite a bit. The twinmax is MUCH more sensitive, and on a twin, easier to use. The Morgan is great for fours though!
Seems like the problem has been sorted now?!
Oyster. 1999 R1100S. Almost original.
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