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Stupid Exhaust

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:46 pm
by decisivedave
In a moment of post winter paranoia and the belief I could hear the exhaust blowing I tried getting the silencer off yesterday, (simple eneough job I thought) - Big clamp came undone easy enough, but that pesky little security nut to make sure the cans stay on if the main clamp doesn't hold on just sheared off :evil: Guys at BMW say the early S's did tend to drop their cans at embarrasing moments so I've used a Halfords clamp to hold the security tab tight for now.

I've got a spare second hand can (easy and cheap to get as I'm staying standard) but no matter how much jigging, pushing and shoving I couldn't get the current can to come off - Any suggestions? :?:

Re: Stupid Exhaust

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:09 pm
by Jason M
decisivedave wrote:In a moment of post winter paranoia and the belief I could hear the exhaust blowing I tried getting the silencer off yesterday, (simple eneough job I thought) - Big clamp came undone easy enough, but that pesky little security nut to make sure the cans stay on if the main clamp doesn't hold on just sheared off :evil: Guys at BMW say the early S's did tend to drop their cans at embarrasing moments so I've used a Halfords clamp to hold the security tab tight for now.

I've got a spare second hand can (easy and cheap to get as I'm staying standard) but no matter how much jigging, pushing and shoving I couldn't get the current can to come off - Any suggestions? :?:
In my experience, you have to get under the bike and apply multiple liberal hard twats using 'le hammer rubber massive'. Hit it towards the back of the bike. Don't be shy, hit it hard, no HARDER THAN THAT! It's mounted on rear facing tapered posts that fit as tight as a dick in a dog :shock:


Re: Stupid Exhaust

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:26 pm
by Gromit
Jason M wrote: fit as tight as a dick in a dog :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Stupid Exhaust

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:12 pm
by theseadog
decisivedave wrote:In a moment of post winter paranoia and the belief I could hear the exhaust blowing I tried getting the silencer off yesterday, (simple eneough job I thought) - Big clamp came undone easy enough, but that pesky little security nut to make sure the cans stay on if the main clamp doesn't hold on just sheared off :evil: Guys at BMW say the early S's did tend to drop their cans at embarrasing moments so I've used a Halfords clamp to hold the security tab tight for now.

I've got a spare second hand can (easy and cheap to get as I'm staying standard) but no matter how much jigging, pushing and shoving I couldn't get the current can to come off - Any suggestions? :?:

You'll be bloody lucky ! It's a comment I've often heard but as you've just testified they don't come loose easily, I ran my bike like that for a couple of years before putting the 'tunes and never had any problems apart from like you finding em bloody hard to remove. If you're intent on removing them then squirt some gt85/duck oil/wd into the mounting spigots mentioned prior to the application of the precision rubber, interferance fit removal tool.

Toodle Pip

Re: Stupid Exhaust

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:20 am
by decisivedave
Jason M wrote: fit as tight as a dick in a dog :shock:

I would be tempted to ask for a photo, but I know this sites trying to cleanse its porn problem!!! :roll:

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:15 pm
by Holly
Decisivedave, did you get this sorted ??? I changed the stock cans on my bike (less than 2 years old) for Laser ovals a couple of weeks ago and they were real bu**ers to get off :evil: ! I have a carbon hugger so was even more cautious about their removal.
However, two bottles of GT85 and a few stiff whacks with a rubber mallet and the cans became loose enough to work off. I found it helped to remove most of the rear body work in case I took a few panels out with my often mis-guided mallet arm :oops: !!!!! Also, I found a few exhaust replacement companies have posted good instructions for the 1100S on their business websites..

Cheers, Holly