OK hear goes,
Herr=mr/man =man Herrman the german, I did work in the Homeland for some time ( and earn lots of money) And finally invested some of that cash back to the Homeland- The truth is that a freind who always names her Cars and my bikes wanted to call my first S --Chop Suey (it was a Mandarin one) Afraid I was'nt having that and named it Herrman, The second one she wanted to call Blue Boy (after the Gainsborough painting) and the GS which has AYB in its reg no is known as A Young Boy!!! Make of that what you will!!!!!
In 1975 i bought a green Goldwing!!!! do you have a picture in you head???
Wrong!!! it had mag wheels and a 4 into 1 on it,trick seat, shorty rear mudguard that the US models had and we went everywhere on it,to what was then Yugoslavia,SOF we've old grainey photos with camping gear and even fold away chairs strapped on the side of Krauser panniers.
John Hackett,he of Ducati tuning fame called me Winger and it's stuck ever since,i blew it up actually on the Oxford bypass(in the late 70s) raceing the said man on his R100RS on the way to catch the ferry going to Le-Mans,it was rebuilt and did another half a dozen trip abroad before i sold,can still remember the number,good old KOP3P
My name,which I now use on all user groups,came about when I got my first Aprilia Falco back in 2001.It was big and blackand superbly loud(I'd taken all the decals off it) and it looked very mean(the kind of bike that makes children cry!).
Honda VFR750 FV 1997 Red and dirty, 130K miles.
Honda VFR800 Xf Crossrunner 2016 White and dirty, 120K miles.
I'd liked the look of the S since I saw one at the TT in 2000, but I was in denial, I just was'nt old enough.......yet. But every time I saw one, the yearning grew inside me, until eventually I asked for a test ride, and that was it, I'd been boxered!
Well-weathered leather
Hot metal and oil
The scented country air
Sunlight on chrome
The blur of the landscape
Every nerve aware
Just popped back in to answer this one.
I look in every day, but now I'm a GSer, I tent to frequent the other boards more.
Well, I needed a name, so thought Boxer & then tagged on things like
Spanners (Boerspanners) Chocolates, tissues...................
Being a man who works with tools (woodworking) I came up with ...... Boxertools.
By the way, I thought Chris's name was a spelin mystake Whinger
Dont diss the godfather,or you will have a little visit from the brummie mafia!Not funny waking up in the morning to your bins and milk been kicked over.
gus wrote:Dont diss the godfather,or you will have a little visit from the brummie mafia!Not funny waking up in the morning to your bins and milk been kicked over.
Yeah - we'll send the boys round and, and if we get really nasty...
we'll be ringing your doorbell and running away...
Not sure where the 'ski bit came from, it just got added on one day by a mate and it kinda stuck with certain mates.
Not sure where the first bit came from, you'd have to ask my parents.
gus wrote:Dont diss the godfather,or you will have a little visit from the brummie mafia!Not funny waking up in the morning to your bins and milk been kicked over.
My humble appologies, I would not wish to get a visit from the Brummie (or the Maltese)(ask Chris) mafia.
Chris is god
The GS is going well, I am on my second ADV, the first one was a bit rough, but good enough to give me a feel for them, so I bought an ex demo from Balderstons last June.
I have heard recently that my old red S is still there for sale.
Looks like I off loaded it at just the right time!