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New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:28 am
by dmmsta
Hi all,

Just a quick hello.

I've been here a while, as I had planned to get an R11S a few yearsr back. It was a friends bike and he was running out of space. He pulled out at the last minute, because he couldn't bear to part with the bike...he'd had it from new, and just couldn't let go...which I totally understood.

Anyway fast forward a couple of years, and I get a text on Saturday night from the same guy...he's decided now is the time. He couldn't bear to sell it on the open market, so he's given it to me.

It's a 2003 in Silver / Yellow:
E23B857E-5B17-444D-8D28-D006521664C3.jpg (700.94 KiB) Viewed 13127 times
Has a few niggles, screen is cracked at one of the fixing points, intermitant starting issue (already ready about the wiring loom around the headstock/bars getting streched/worn), intermitant neutral light (needs some investigation, as don't know full sympotems yet). mirror arms are a bit scruffy...needs sand blasting and re-powdercoat.

It's only done about 36K from new and its in near mint condition, with just a few little things to tidy up.

Looking forward to getting some miles under my belt on it now ;)

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:36 pm
by Paul
Welcome to the site. That's a very tidy looking bike you have there and you can't grumble about the price either! I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun with it.

All the best,


Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:58 pm
by Humbug
Welcome to the forum. Nice looking bike

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:01 pm
by dave the german
Very nice! As for the cracks on the screen, "they all do that sir"

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:28 am
by GerryB
Wow !!!

Nice bike , even better friend !!

No friend of mine has ever given me anything like that !!

A chap once gave me a bicycle , turned out it needed a full and complete up grade, tyres tubes, wheels straightened, chains, cogs brakes ... May as well have just bought my own :D

Enjoy the bike , sounds like the niggles most guys have had and sorted through.

The intermittent light & starting , sounds like loose connection or broken wire, not the end of the world .

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:21 pm
by dmmsta
Thanks all.

Have found a screen on ebay for a half sensible price so the tinkering begins.

Will have a search here for wiring known problems to see if I can sort that too.

Still haven’t had chance for a decent spin out on her yet. Hopefully the weekend will play into that!

It’s got brand new pads all round and a new rear PR4 so they’ll need bedding in

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:59 pm
by box-doctor
Welcome aboard from the chubby BCR owner :bounce:

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:30 pm
by BoxerCup R
Welcome to boxertrix Dmmsta

Nice R1100s, enjoy getting to know her and all her foibles :bounce: :D

Re: New to BMWs - New to Boxers

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:06 pm
by boxerscott
Nice Gift. :shock: Not shabby at all.

