Hi all,
Been wanting an R1200S ever since I saw them at the NEC back in 2005 I think it was. Always thought what a stunning bike it looks and recently I managed to get my hands on one. What a ride and what a noise. Absolutely everything I wanted it to be I am based A few miles south of Nottingham and looking for a few rides around these parts...any advice?
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Welcome along. Some great roads around here for riding in groups or solo. Lincolnshire Wolds are a short ride away, Loops around Melton Mowbray, Loughborough, Grantham etc. Snake Pass is a good mornings ride. To be honest, we are spoilt for choice around here. Peak District is close as well.
Maybe meet up for a ride out some time?
Thanks for the welcome folks. I used to be just outside Sheffield so know loads of routes around the Peaks now I need some new ones closer to here to add to them. I’ve found a Melton Mowbray loop which is really nice and had a ride to the Victoria Pub ( I think it’s called) and met a few other there for a chat. As for the colour scheme, it was red/silver/black but someone did a paint job on it before I bought it - the M-Power strips look really good in the flesh As for tyres, funnily enough I’ve had to get a new rear thanks to a misplaced screw. Michelin Pilot Power - had them on a K1200s and really liked them. Looking forward to meeting some of you