Now then

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BoxerCup R
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Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

Now then

Just joined the site today :D

I bought and picked up a 2004 R1100S BoxerCup Replica on Friday 31st March 2017.


It's got 4523 miles, or had, it now has over 5300 :bounce: It's been stood in a private collection with 40 odd other bikes for the past 6 years and never turned a wheel or had a MOT, suffice to say, it is immaculate, totally unmarked 8) :cool:



I've removed the rear footrests to open up the rear up a bit more and at the moment I plan to get the twin laser system all through to make her a little bit louder and give them nasty exhaust gases a better chance of getting away :wink:


So I'm on here for knowledge and the Craic and to get involved. I'll add a bit about me and my bike history a bit later :newb:
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
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Re: Now then

Post by slparry »

Nice one, welcome!
Steve Parry

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Re: Now then

Post by Britisherspy »

Lovely bike
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Re: Now then

Post by Mitch1100 »

[ImageDSC_0005 by Phil Mitchell, on Flickr][/img]Great find ..welcome from under down under :wink: A BOXERTRIX sticker will increase performance exponentially.
2009 HP2 Sport...sold
2006 R1200s with yellow rim tape
2008 Ducati Monster S4RS Tricolore..sold
2004 R1100s BoxerCup Replika..sold
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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

Thanx for the comments lads :D

Phil> Is that a Supra in the background there Mate :?:
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
"18 BMW S1000R Sports - (bought new)

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Re: Now then

Post by Paul »

Welcome on board! That's a fine looking BCR you have there. Are you going to bring it down to the Welsh weekend on April 21-23?


You really need only two tools: WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.
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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

Thought I'd let you know a little bit about me and my bike history, sit back, grab a cuppa and hopefully enjoy :-

I got my first bike when I was 14 in 1979 and my Mam and Dad split up. They both had bikes and my Mam gave me her Yamaha YB100 when she left to tour the world. We lived in Sunderland, Co. Durham or Tyne & Wear as it is now. I kept the bike at my Uncles farm in Thirsk, N. Yorks. I rode it in the fields and my Uncle used to take me out on it round the villages, we just wore flat caps :shock: can you believe it, different times eh.

I got my first road legal bike when I was 16 after I left school. I saved up while working on my Uncles farm and bought a Suzuki AP50 in red. That bike was my freedom, freedom to go where, well, almost :lol: and when, I wanted. I learned to ride on the road properly from that day forward and I'm still learning, every ride O:) I rode that 'Ped' to Sunderland one November to go home to my Dads, who'd given up bikes by now, for Christmas. It was the coldest I had ever been, before, or since, can't understand why when I had a leather bike jacket over a white t-shirt, Geordie jeans and Adidas Samba trainers ? Bloody freezing'. I remember almost walking into my Dads kitchen, filling the bowl with hot water and stuffing my ice cold hands into to it to warm them up 8-[ what an idiot, I soon learnt not to do that ever again, the pain was very bad but not the worst I would experience related to bikes...

I ran out of money back in Sunderland and so reluctantly sold my beloved Ped, :cry: hey ho. The following year, 1982, I went to stay at my uncles in Thirsk again to find work, there was no work then in Sunderland, it was pretty poor, 3 million unemployed, things weren't good country wide never mind the industrial North. I got a job on a nearby farm, milking 92 Friesian cows and general farm work with pigs, sheep and crops, I loved it. I pushbiked, initially, the 5 miles to work then bought a Yamaha DT100 to save me legs :lol: Well, I had owned that bike 26 hours before coming down a 1 in 4 bank called 'Sneck Yate' just outside Boltby and i hit a sheep which had got out of the field and was in the road. BOOM, hit it smack in the guts and I went 'arse ower tit', twice :pale: I was winded and turns out I had dislocated my shoulder ](*,) and no gloves at the time either, DUM ! The sheep died too :sad: The bike had bent bars, no speedo or ignition barrels but other than that it was in pretty good shape. I recovered over a short period, didn't miss a day off work, just daily did tractor work with a steering knob fitted to the steering wheel and my boss was very understanding :smile: The next chapter wasn't so clever..................tbc.
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
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Re: Now then

Post by dave the german »

Welcome - nice looking bike
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Re: Now then

Post by boxerscott »

Hey up lad, welcome, so forgive my bluntness... would you divulge what you paid for it? These have been offered in dealers in excess of £8k I am just wondering what a pristine one is fetching in the real world :wink:
Fiat Panda.
Fiat Scudo (with speedblock, pipe carrier, reversing sensors, reversing camera, tow bar, some new rust and Fake Plumber logo)

started out with nothing, still have most of it left.
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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

dave the german wrote:Welcome - nice looking bike
Thanx Mate, I'm lurvin' it :twisted:

boxerscott wrote:Hey up lad, welcome, so forgive my bluntness... would you divulge what you paid for it? These have been offered in dealers in excess of £8k I am just wondering what a pristine one is fetching in the real world :wink:
It's all relative Mate, doesn't matter what you or I pay for something, as long as we are happy with what we get, otherwise, why would we buy it :wink: Suffice to say I've had £435 worth of parts and labour spent on the bike at a BMW main dealer since I got it, all paid for, with no arguments or 'sucking through teeth', by the shop where I bought her and she's going back gain for more work to bring her maintenance and servicable parts up to date and working standard. I'll post whats been done and will be done as I go along :wink:
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »


I had been using my DT for everything, it was my only transport and I was loving the 100cc bike compared to my 'bed'. I had got over the 'sky, road, sky, road episode and was starting to gel with her. I was going home on a B road 26th July 1982 three corners from the village I lived, 5 to 10 that night, it was just dusk and lighting up time was 10 to 10. I went into a right hander and coming the other way was a Datsun (remember them) , Nissan now to you kids lol) Bluebird SSS, we met head on. Luckily I went over the windscreen and not into it, otherwise I wouldn't be telling the tale. The combined speed was 130 that night and the impact sent me over the car and into the hedge back. My helmet, a Centurion 2000 flew off and so did my Samba trainers. They were found a week later, one in one hedge back and the other on the opposite side of the road in the hedge back. I suffered and compound fracture of my right femur, not good and a broken left scaphoid, got off lightly really. I spent the next 4 moths in hospital, 3 months laid on me back in traction and a further month after they finally decided my leg wasn't knitting together and they operated giving me a bone graft, ouch and putting in a plate and screws down the side of me femur, not the last time i would have either !!

Hospital was both a torment and education. I was a smoker then, and you could smoke in hospital, imagine that, I had my own ashtray on my bedside cabinet and a cupboard full of cans of beer. The long termer's of us were all down the one end of the ward, when you first came in you started at the top near the entrance then moved down the ward as you improved towards the day room then you were discharged. Any way, we started a card school after the evening visitors left. A couple of lads that weren't bed ridden would move a couple of our beds together and there we were, cards, smoking ad drinking, unbelievable, plus, we found out we could drink more laid down than we could stood up, it didn't have such an effect, not what the hospital intended I 'm sure but we made the most of it. I was on 60 a day in hospital because it would be 'lights on' at 6am and first thing they did was come round and give you a cuppa tea, so what's a 17 year old to do, correct, light up and smoke through till we finished playing cards about 1am. So, I was discharged 24th Novemeber that year and lost my virginity to a nurse who'd worked on my ward shortly after, told you it was an education.

My next bike after my recovery was a Honda CB125 twin, a shit, boring bike but all I could afford on non contributory invalidity pension off the government, had my own pension book and everything. It didn't last long, short of money again so sold it, then I got a 'Honda Plaggy' C90, to get me to work at a Little Chef on the A1 at Sinderby, actually had some fun on that bike cause I didn't give too hoots out it but it never let me down, not once, rain or shine. Next cam a CX500, 'Plastic Pig' by default. It was a mates and he lent it to me to ride up to 'The Hoppings' at The Toon one summer and it spilt its guts onto the A19 and never made it so I had to do the decent thing and buy it, it never ran again.

Next came a 3 year old Honda VF400 four in 1987. Now that was a stonking bike back then, alright it had inborn discs which turned out not to be Honda's greatest idea but that engine in my particular bike was a gem,


I loved that bike and did many many miles on it. Again, money ran out and I reluctantly sold it. I had a break from bikes at that point, basically because I had no money and life took over.......... tbc
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
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Re: Now then

Post by Mitch1100 »

[ImageUntitled by Phil Mitchell, on Flickr][/img][ImageIMG_0052 by Phil Mitchell, on Flickr][/img]
BoxerCup R wrote:Thanx for the comments lads :D

Phil> Is that a Supra in the background there Mate :?:
You've a good eye there :wink:
2009 HP2 Sport...sold
2006 R1200s with yellow rim tape
2008 Ducati Monster S4RS Tricolore..sold
2004 R1100s BoxerCup Replika..sold
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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

Mitch1100 wrote:[ImageUntitled by Phil Mitchell, on Flickr][/img][ImageIMG_0052 by Phil Mitchell, on Flickr][/img]
BoxerCup R wrote:Thanx for the comments lads :D

Phil> Is that a Supra in the background there Mate :?:
You've a good eye there :wink:

Nice 8) I remember racing a twin turbo fooker on me R1, couldn't loose him :thumbleft:
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
"18 BMW S1000R Sports - (bought new)

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Re: Now then

Post by BoxerCup R »

Haven't got time to give her the beauty treatment this weekend, too busy and she was a 'tad' mucky after yesterdays rain so I took her to the local hand car wash today and they gave her a good clean with direction and guidance from me, great job :wink:
"02 Yamaha XJR 1300SP in Kenny Roberts Yellow - (bought new)
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Re: Now then

Post by Hay Ewe^ »

Good yarn so far....
look forward to reading more, and hearing about the supra, dont recall seeing many in the uk
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