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Running Costs

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:53 pm
by Humbug
My 12S hit 90,000 miles yesterday and it started me thinking about how the bike had fared over that mileage.
You expect the normal costs, tyres, brake pads, oil and filters, fork seals etc but I have had a few other issues that have bumped up costs over the time.
A new oil cooler when the original split and leaked everywhere, the shaft destroyed itself under load £565 :shock: The rear hub needed rebuilding, (thanks Mike at Overland) £400, the front Ohlins needed replacing as the bottom mount sheared, three sets of front wheel bearings, rear wheel carrier replaced (under a recall but can't have been cheap), new R/H heated throttle grip at £70, front brake pistons replaced as they had corroded enough that two of them cracked at £350.
When I look at it on paper it seems a bit scary compared to the car which at 135,000 has only had a new EGR valve at £90, tyres, oil and filters BUT
every time I ride, I can't help thinking its worth every penny!
Should I be seeking medical assistance?

Re: Running Costs

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:00 pm
by Blackal
TBH - I would expect the shocks and final drive to require some attention in that period

So - if you took them out of the overall costs- it's not looking too bad ?

Mind you - I once asked a seasoned BMW technician why the 1200s didn't appear to share the EWS issues that the GS was burdened with............

"Most of them are still in the showrooms!"

All in all - a great bike to own. :D

Re: Running Costs

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 pm
by nab 301
Humbug wrote: Should I be seeking medical assistance?
Maybe we all should , but I reckon biking is cheaper than therapy so maybe it should be available free on the NHS or equivalent.
If you want inexpensive biking I reckon a middleweight is your best bet . I did similar miles on a Y2K CB500 a good while back and all it needed was brake pads , a couple of clutch cables and an inexpensive set of rear wheel bearings with the front and rear brake disc being replaced just before I sold it. Tyres on all but lightweight motorcycles are the main expense when comparing to cars . My 11S however has gobbled through a lot more consumables , 3 sets of front discs , a bevel box , a front wheel and a lot more fossil fuels ..... come think of it i did document it all on here a few years ago and if you dig out the list that Steve parry posted up ages ago for his K , admittedly all under ( extended) warranty .
It's one of the reasons I never commuted full time on my 11S and currently I tend to commute on a CBF 250 :shock: Think up to 90mpg , cheap tyres ,
and consumables .