I occasionally enjoy a wee cycle but am having difficulty understanding why these weekend warriors think they OWN the fookin roads! I would expect most of the MAMIL's drive cars when they're not not dressed-up in silly clothing, so why don't they obey the rules of the road when out on their bikes?
There seems to be some cycle event on every bloody weekend, why do these clowns think it's acceptable to ride round 2 or 3 abreast causing huge tail backs and spoiling everyone elses enjoyment of our fine roads?
Earlier this year I was riding along a country route that was also being used as part of some cycle event, there was ample signage stating there was an event taking place BUT there wasn't any signage suggesting the road was closed. I was crawling along at a snails pace when Mr. Self Important in his HIGH VIS vest and home-made Marshall sticker sellotaped to his Motorcycle's screen rode towards me waving him arms like a madman & gesturing that I should get the fook off the road as there was a swarm of MAMIL's heading towards me

Just back from a wee 100-mile ride and again had our enjoyment of our roads spoiled by these selfish bastards. Got back into our road and spotted a young lad of about 7 or 8 years hooning around in front of us on his BMX, slowed right down when the lad looked around and noticed 2 motorcycles approaching, he immediately corrected his riding to allow us to safely pass. Why can't the MAMIL's take a leaf out of the youngsters book?
Rant over, thanks for listening.
Rob & Gail