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Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:17 pm
by big rob
Hi folks, we are very fortunate in that we live in a beautiful part of the world surrounded by some outstanding roads. After the working week we enjoy nothing more than riding our motorcycles to release all that pent-up stress. I understand we share the roads with other vehicle types such as tractors, combines, rental Motorhomes, walkers, sheep, pheasants, deer, rabbits etc so ride accordingly. However, just recently there seems to have been an infestation of MAMIL's :evil:
I occasionally enjoy a wee cycle but am having difficulty understanding why these weekend warriors think they OWN the fookin roads! I would expect most of the MAMIL's drive cars when they're not not dressed-up in silly clothing, so why don't they obey the rules of the road when out on their bikes?
There seems to be some cycle event on every bloody weekend, why do these clowns think it's acceptable to ride round 2 or 3 abreast causing huge tail backs and spoiling everyone elses enjoyment of our fine roads?
Earlier this year I was riding along a country route that was also being used as part of some cycle event, there was ample signage stating there was an event taking place BUT there wasn't any signage suggesting the road was closed. I was crawling along at a snails pace when Mr. Self Important in his HIGH VIS vest and home-made Marshall sticker sellotaped to his Motorcycle's screen rode towards me waving him arms like a madman & gesturing that I should get the fook off the road as there was a swarm of MAMIL's heading towards me :shock: As the road wasn't closed I felt it was their place to ride in a safer manner to prevent their silly clothing getting stuck onto my hot down-pipes.
Just back from a wee 100-mile ride and again had our enjoyment of our roads spoiled by these selfish bastards. Got back into our road and spotted a young lad of about 7 or 8 years hooning around in front of us on his BMX, slowed right down when the lad looked around and noticed 2 motorcycles approaching, he immediately corrected his riding to allow us to safely pass. Why can't the MAMIL's take a leaf out of the youngsters book?

Rant over, thanks for listening.
Rob & Gail :D

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:52 pm
by exoticices
Look on the bright side; here in the newly-rebranded West Midlands Combined Shithole the cyclists think they own the pavements.

(Disclaimer: Nothing against proper cyclists who ride properly but they appear to be a dying breed.)

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:54 am
by Mitch1100

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:00 am
by slparry
I live about a mile away from a local mountain bike centre, and a couple of miles from the Horseshoe Pass so am well used to MAMiL's clogging the roads.

Many a car driver stuck behind a pelaton going up the Horseshoe Pass road, frustrated because their car hasn't the puff to overtake a large group, then drivers take risks borne of frustration and cyclists get all shouty and aggressive, just needs some consideration.

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:01 pm
by Hay Ewe^
I am a cyclist as well, not as many km as I used to but still do ride pushies.
Its the same here in Australia, but seems to vary by area. I am in the Far North, a city, but not that many people really, wide roads, shoulders, and still some people will ride three abreast.
There are also people that think its too dangerous to ride on the roads here! yes, there are incidents, but they dont know about the narrow sunken lanes of Europe and southern UK!

It IS frustrating, and as a cyclist and moto ride, even more so

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:43 pm
by The Teutonic Tangerine
You are so right - they put on Lycra and disengage the brain. They must have special pouches in the Lycra for their brains I suspect - I have instances or two and three abreast in single track roads - stopping in a gaggle right on a junction blocking the road. Stopping for a drink just round a blind bend, being stone deaf to traffic from behind, not using the expensive and safe dedicated cycle lanes in London, not stopping at roundabouts but expecting you to stop when they ride across a pedestrian crossing in front of you without any signalling.

I live in the country but every Sunday morning (usually very early in the Summer) you can hear the MAMILs coming from about 400 yards away all shouting at each other over the noise of their 21 gear shiny racing bikes. If they were really riding fast they wouldn't have breath to be babbling at each other. If I am in the road washing my car they come past with about 18 inches to spare no bell no warning (can't always hear lone cyclist on groups of the noisy bu*gers) if I were to just take half a step back at the wrong time........................

We also get them coming round our quite part of Essex from an East London club asking us to park off the road on the following day because they are coming through with a race - they then put up all sorts of route signs and arrows which are still there 6 weeks after the event because they couldn't be ars*d to take them down.

1) Make them be insured for third party damage
2) Make the Club they are riding with have public liability (like we have to in our Motorcycle clubs)
3) Start booking them for offences like, not Stopping at Zebra crossings, or roundabouts, not using bicycle lanes in towns, not wearing a helmet and finally not having a blo*dy bell and using it. they seem to think the highway code does not apply to them - It DOES

Can you tell - I hate them - I hate them for their ignorant attitude to the rules of the road and every other road user. I know there are exceptions and some are probably nice law abiding people - but these are the common traits in Essex and London.

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:39 pm
by ted
As a long time motorcyclist and cyclist its a bit disturbing at the real level of hatred that seems to be evident out there. I am sure that some of the comments about behaviours are real and will concede that there are many cyclists out there who do behave in a poor way, but the vast majority go about there hobby in a considerate and law abiding manner. I have been personally subjected to some actions by motorists that could have cost me my life, one person who I caught up with said he wanted to kill cyclists as they shouldn't be on the road because they didn't pay road tax! I have been passed by motorcyclists at high speed 'buzzing' me within a couple of feet as well as others even swerving towards me from the opposite lane just for a laugh. Like we all know, there are good and bad out there amongst us all!
Just a different view

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:38 am
by big rob

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:59 am
by slparry
big rob wrote:

that's about the cut of it :)

A few years ago a guy on a racing bike scraped the door of my Celica with his pedals, really deep scratch. Police not interested of course

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:40 pm
by andy griff
Some interesting comments on this thread.
A lot of people believe that cyclists should ride single file bit do not know that the Highway Code (UK) actually allows them to ride two abreast .

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:50 pm
by The Teutonic Tangerine
andy griff wrote:Some interesting comments on this thread.
A lot of people believe that cyclists should ride single file bit do not know that the Highway Code (UK) actually allows them to ride two abreast .
What the Code actually says is:

"Rule 66 *never ride more than two abreast, and ride single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends"

My regular experience is that, local to me) they ride two or three abreast on single track roads and round bends and don't move over to make room to pass. breaking "Rule 67 be aware of traffic coming up behind you"

The other one that regularly gets broken is:

"Rule 79 do not ride across a pelican, puffin or Zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across".

Ha Ha! I have never seen this done. Come and watch the Zebra crossing at the end of the Lower Lee Crossing (that's up that London) roundabout on the exit to the Limehouse tunnel on any weekday morning and you'll see probably 5 or 6 in half an hour not using the cycle lane over the lower lee crossing then zooming out onto the roundabout ignoring the red traffic lights then swinging onto the Zebra crossing in front of you to get round the roundabout faster. Please come and watch it'll make your hair curl.

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:05 am
by Hay Ewe^
Years ago when i lived in the uk, on a farm and working other farms, i some times got some kind of abuse form motorists as well.
Yes, cyclist are an easy target but any thing that was slower would annoy them.
One time tractor trailer, weighing about 7000kg i would say, getting along at 19mph, i had a car overtake, pull in sharply in front and the brake hard.
If the trailer had been loaded, would have run in to the car for sure.
He was likely frustrared that i hadnt pulled over some where so he could get past, but if there is no where to pull over, what can i do?

Yes, cyclist can be knobbers, but other motorists / road users can be knobbers as well.

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:54 pm
by andy griff
The Teutonic Tangerine wrote:
andy griff wrote:Some interesting comments on this thread.
A lot of people believe that cyclists should ride single file bit do not know that the Highway Code (UK) actually allows them to ride two abreast .
What the Code actually says is:

"Rule 66 *never ride more than two abreast, and ride single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends"

My regular experience is that, local to me) they ride two or three abreast on single track roads and round bends and don't move over to make room to pass. breaking "Rule 67 be aware of traffic coming up behind you"

The other one that regularly gets broken is:

"Rule 79 do not ride across a pelican, puffin or Zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across".

Ha Ha! I have never seen this done. Come and watch the Zebra crossing at the end of the Lower Lee Crossing (that's up that London) roundabout on the exit to the Limehouse tunnel on any weekday morning and you'll see probably 5 or 6 in half an hour not using the cycle lane over the lower lee crossing then zooming out onto the roundabout ignoring the red traffic lights then swinging onto the Zebra crossing in front of you to get round the roundabout faster. Please come and watch it'll make your hair curl.
Point well made, devil's in the detail

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:26 pm
by boxerscott
They seem happy to ride two abreast and hold up traffic. Total wnakers. I feel sick in my mouth when I see an old sweaty ass hole clad in lycra. They are disgusting. Totally agree with all the negatives re mamils , however a nice pert female booty clad in lycra is a different kettle of fish . :)

Re: Cyclists

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:25 am
by andy griff
boxerscott wrote:They seem happy to ride two abreast and hold up traffic. Total wnakers. I feel sick in my mouth when I see an old sweaty ass hole clad in lycra. They are disgusting. Totally agree with all the negatives re mamils , however a nice pert female booty clad in lycra is a different kettle of fish . :)
About your diversity training ...... :D