R1100s top end rattle

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R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

Hi Guys,
Just bought one of these and when it gets warm the left hand cylinder sounds like it has a little end gone.
Now Im not familiar with these bikes so not sure if that's a normal fault or if I should look for other issues - valve rocker faults ? I read that push rods can be an issue.
Bike is a 1999 with 49,000 miles. Only cost me a £1,000 so if I have to take the engine to bits and change a little end so be it.
But I would rather know what I am looking for before I dig into it !
Any advice appreciated.
I am looking to do the bike up a bit so any advice on caliper or suspension up grades be appreciated together with cat delete etc.

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by SP250 »


Does it rattle worse on cold start up on the LH cylinder?
If so, it is likely to be the LH cam chain tensioner.
These are a regular known issue and Motorworks / Moto - bins do a replacement upgraded tensioner to fix the problem.
The RH cylinder doesn't need it because the tensioner is fitted the other way up and doesn't drain the oil out when standing like the LH one does.
It may be that it is really worn and isn't keeping the LH camchain tight when running also.

Others will be along to help diagnose as well I am sure.
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

Thanks for commenting.
The noise is not present on start up from cold.
It starts once the bikes warmed up after a few minutes and then gets louder with engine speed.I would have thought that a cam chain noise would be worst when stone cold, but Im not familiar with these engines.
I will record a small clip.

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

I have recorded a small clip.But I cannot up load to the site for some reason.
I think the cam chain is the wiring noise in the back ground.
I suspect the engine speed knocking is either small end bearing,valve gear issue or push rod ?
Any ideas any body.

Jeff Highland
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by Jeff Highland »

No personal experience, but pushrod ends are known to give this issue when warm, check the Chris Harris videos on Youtube.
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

Thanks for the reply.
From what I can find -
1-cam chain tensioner is an issue, but that's noise is worst when cold and improves when warm.
2-The 2 part push rods make more noise when warm, so that will be my first plan of attack - change them for the later one piece ones.
3-My bike has 49,000 miles on original 17mm left hand tensioner rather than the upgraded 15mm one. So if push rods don't fix it I will try that.
4-If the above doesn't work- it's head off.


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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by GerryB »

James11 wrote:Jeff
Thanks for the reply.
From what I can find -
1-cam chain tensioner is an issue, but that's noise is worst when cold and improves when warm.
2-The 2 part push rods make more noise when warm, so that will be my first plan of attack - change them for the later one piece ones.
3-My bike has 49,000 miles on original 17mm left hand tensioner rather than the upgraded 15mm one. So if push rods don't fix it I will try that.
4-If the above doesn't work- it's head off.


As always , please keep us informed of what you find .

Good luck .
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by The Teutonic Tangerine »

Err just me - I'd check valve clearances first before stripping down and getting involved in expense. :D
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

I cant see it be valve clearances, these get quieter when hot not louder.
I am going to change the tensioner at the weekend and I will check valve clearances while I am at it.
If its not that then strip and check push rods.
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by nab 301 »

My '99 has had engine noises for years , I did replace the push rods but no help , to add to all the other suggestions , maybe check the rocker end float or adjust it to the tighter end of the tolerance when replacing the cam carrier after checking the push rods, and also check the cam carrier ( where the cam runs and also the cam follower bores) I remember that one was documented on UkGser.
It's unlikely to change with temperature but throttle bodies (spindles ) can wear and make a hell of a racket . The link below mentions a ball valve in the oil thermostat making noise but this is when cold..


Edit I did originally think mine might be small end noise but it's still going at 120k miles.. and I always seem to have other projects in the shed!

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

Thanks for the reply.
Was your rattle just on one side?
If mine was the same on both cylinders I would be far less concerned.

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by nab 301 »

James11 wrote:Nigel

Was your rattle just on one side?

It still is unfortunately !! (R/H side ), sometimes it starts up cold and all i can hear is the rustle of well adjusted valve gear but once it gets warm it becomes worse,( more noticeable at idle). However performance is better than it ever was , it starts and idles fine and spins up quicker than it ever did . I have a second hand cam carrier to fit but 60k odd miles later i'm almost reluctant to disturb it at this stage. I'm currently( in recent years) using 10w40 synthetic oil whereas in the early days it was 20w50 mineral . I think it's quieter on the 10w 40.

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

Good advice thanks.
I am significantly less concerned.
I will fit the tensioner etc and let you know
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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by James11 »

I fitted the new cam chain tensioner.
Problem fixed.
Thanks for all the advice.

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Re: R1100s top end rattle

Post by Humbug »

Good to see members taking the time to post when they solve a problem, it helps others immensely. Too often on other forums I have followed a thread only to have the originator disappear after picking everyones brains without posting the solution.
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