bleedin the clutch

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justin time
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bleedin the clutch

Post by justin time »

Hi folks,how do I bleed the clutch on my 2001 1100s (no abs)took out grub screw and put in a bleed nipple,but can't get old fluid out!Any and all advice appreciated.
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nab 301
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Re: bleedin the clutch

Post by nab 301 »

Remove the bleed nipple and inside the pipe/ adaptor there should be a spring loaded ball , i believe these can seize up . Try pressing it with a pick/small screwdriver . I never had success using a bleed nipple. Two pairs of hands helps a lot although i have managed solo... Assuming the ball isn't seized , just pump the lever like a brake pedal/ lever , hold it, and press the spring loaded ball to release air / fluid. Health and safety warning , Don't operate the clutch lever while peering into the adaptor. Generally then any remaining air will find its way back to the master cylinder. and clutch should operate correctly . (assuming the slave cylinder isn't seized)

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justin time
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Re: bleedin the clutch

Post by justin time »

Hi Nigel, took that end fitting off and replaced it with a speed bleeder,problem solved! Many thanks for your help.
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Re: bleedin the clutch

Post by hooperman »

After replacing the clutch plate and putting the gearbox etc. back I am struggling to bleed the clutch. Should I use a pressure bleeder from the bleed tube upwards, or adapt a car pressure bleeder via a bleed nipple into the reservoir top? Getting desperate - having to go to work in London by train!!!!
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nab 301
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Re: bleedin the clutch

Post by nab 301 »

As above , confirm that the spring loaded ball isn't seized , if you're using a bleed nipple , just remember that when you screw it in it presses on the ball and releases fluid , loosening it allows the ball to seal , although I 've always just pressed the ball with a screwdriver . Loosen the banjo at the master cylinder,there may be air trapped there ,protect the paintwork, operate the lever , look for air , tighten the banjo after that a couple of pumps of the lever should produce fluid at the adaptor and pressure in the system... If not tap the clutch lever lightly without pulling it all the way back to the bar , this should produce a stream of bubbles in the reservoir ( same as bleeding brakes) . At this stage there should be pressure in the system assuming master cylinder is ok.

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
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