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oil level
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:02 pm
by KeithW
Hi All, Having just changed the oil & filter on my 11s, I filled the engine up with the recommended 3.75l, run the engine for around ten minutes, let the engine cool down and then checked the level in the sight glass but it's not showing a reading.
Anyone had a similar problem.
Re: oil level
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:44 pm
by Mr Charrington
Did you let it rest on the side stant for adout 5 minutes to let the oil from the oil cooler pour down ?

Re: oil level
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:03 pm
by KeithW
Mr Charrington wrote:Did you let it rest on the side stant for adout 5 minutes to let the oil from the oil cooler pour down ?


Re: oil level
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:00 pm
by Jeff Highland
It's often difficult. with fresh oil to tell whether you have underfilled it or overfilled it since an empty sight glass will look the same as a overfull one.
I presume you are checking level on the centrestand as you should
If you don't get a result after doing as Mr Charrington suggests then
-check for underfilling by having someone gradually tilt the bike from vertical onto the side stand while you watch the window. the level should appear in the window.
-check for overfilling by starting the bike on the centrestand while watching the window. you will see the level drop down and show in the window
Re: oil level
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 3:04 pm
by KeithW
Thanks for the suggestions guy's the sidestand method did the trick.