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Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:45 pm
by GerryB
Wow , I went to a tiny little village last sunday to watch the bike racing .

The XXVIII Trofeo De Velocidad , Alguena Circuito Urbano.

They close the village streets, barricade every thing, and the guys go racing for the day.

3 classes of 80cc race bikes , Classics * almost entirely Montessa , Bultaco and Ossa 250s from days gone by, and The big boys on the Super Motards.

10E entry , including a cap and program.

No wonder the Spaniards are so prolific in the big race classes , when there is such a depth of racing going on all over Spain.

The track is well guarded with straw bales, and due to the nature of the circuit , only the big motards will get up to a reasonable speed , maybe 70 miles per hour .

No major accidents, mainly slide offs, and a few bounces off straw bales .

Maybe you can see my Facebook pictures . ... =3&theater
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Marcos Ribera (2).JPG
Marcos Ribera (2).JPG (142.04 KiB) Viewed 6046 times
Tidy well prepared machines  (2).JPG
Tidy well prepared machines (2).JPG (132.33 KiB) Viewed 6046 times
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Re: Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:03 pm
by GerryB
The cap and wrist band .

This was really good value for money , enjoyed myself immensely .

Later this month , another round in a village not far from me , in Catral , I will be there for sure .

Such a friendly atmosphere , chatting with the riders, all enjoying the races .

cap  .jpg
cap .jpg (202.3 KiB) Viewed 6045 times

Re: Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:27 pm
by Al
Thinking of a comeback Gerry? :D


Re: Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:29 am
by GerryB
Al wrote:Thinking of a comeback Gerry? :D


Al , I'd love to , but with present finances ... Have to be some one else's bike .....

Too old now days sadly !!!!

Been many years since we were racing around streets and supermarket car parks !!!

Supermarket trolleys, Old tyres, bits of fire hose filled with sand ....

We just raced !!!

250 two stroke / 500 four stroke , Super Singles, mixed with the odd 125 GP bike , and we raced . Back in the 1980s .
Old race days  (5).jpg
Old race days (5).jpg (49.33 KiB) Viewed 5988 times
The Umhlanga Rocks mini Monaco GP , several bike classes, and a couple of Kart classes , hectic races, 3 heats to get o/all winner
Old race days in 80s (7).jpg
Old race days in 80s (7).jpg (66.47 KiB) Viewed 5988 times
Grand podium celebrations, a lap of honour in the back of the CoCs beaten up old Ford pick up ...
Old race days in 80s (6).jpg
Old race days in 80s (6).jpg (80.31 KiB) Viewed 5988 times

Re: Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 4:46 pm
by nab 301
GerryB wrote:
The track is well guarded with straw bales, and due to the nature of the circuit , only the big motards will get up to a reasonable speed , maybe 70 miles per hour .

No major accidents, mainly slide offs, and a few bounces off straw bales .

Thanks for posting , although having competed in grass roots 4 wheeled motor sport I saw many a car written off after hitting strawbales :shock:

Re: Grass roots racing in Spain

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:40 pm
by Neil178
“No wonder the Spaniards are so prolific in the big race classes , when there is such a depth of racing going on all over Spain.”
I always wondered why the Spanish were so strong in racing. This explains it nicely!
Great photos of your racing days. Must’ve been so much fun.