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R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:39 pm
by oyster
I have had to become tough with myself, the arthritis has become too serious to safely handle the R1100S , so, ideally, I would like to swap it for a lighter tourer. Literally, swap, as funds are limited.
I have been unable to ride it for 18 months and I know things are not going to get better. It was a hard sought bike in its day, I tried about 15 before settling on the old school torque and superb handling of what is now a 20 year old bike. Love it.
I was thinking the 800 might offer a similar experience, certainly has the power per kg.
Any wise suggestions, or even offers? Failing this, I might have to hang up the boots for good.

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:46 pm
by SP250
Try an 800 ST or naked

They don't have the torque of the 11S but is significantly lighter and goes really well.
Mine is growing on me a lot.

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:49 pm
by slparry
we've just taken a lovely F800GT in with full luggage and low miles if you're interested? Oh and we'll deliver to Kent :D

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 10:05 pm
by boxerscott
oyster wrote:I have had to become tough with myself, the arthritis has become too serious to safely handle the R1100S , so, ideally, I would like to swap it for a lighter tourer. Literally, swap, as funds are limited.
I have been unable to ride it for 18 months and I know things are not going to get better. It was a hard sought bike in its day, I tried about 15 before settling on the old school torque and superb handling of what is now a 20 year old bike. Love it.
I was thinking the 800 might offer a similar experience, certainly has the power per kg.
Any wise suggestions, or even offers? Failing this, I might have to hang up the boots for good.
what size boots? are they Daytonas? :wink: seriously tough decision and one we never believe will happen, hope you find the right bike and get chance to enjoy it.


Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:46 pm
by nab 301
oyster wrote:, so, ideally, I would like to swap it for a lighter tourer. Literally, swap, as funds are limited.

Any wise suggestions, or even offers? Failing this, I might have to hang up the boots for good.
You need to establish what your bike is worth , then look at what's available in that price range , then what might suit you . I'd be thinking if you broadened your search to Jap middleweights the likes of for example a Kawasaki Er6F assuming that by lighter tourer you want something fully faired?

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:42 pm
by oyster
Thanks for the thoughts guys.
It is a case of selling the existing bike first I think; all the spares that would go with it - another half a bike.
Then, a decision, after more tests, of which bike, any tourer will be considered.
The Daytonas got sold a few years back.

Now then, what am I bid for a 1999 R1100S, about 40k; in its day, no expense spared, all mods fitted. And real leather seat. And lots of spares.

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:06 am
by Al
Tough decision to make, hope you can sell the 1100, I have had a Suzuki Vstrom 650 as a hire bike in Thailand and was very happy with how it performed over the mountains two up, the Kawasaki versys is very similar in performance as well, both have the more upright riding position and much lighter.


Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:25 pm
by slparry
Al wrote:Tough decision to make, hope you can sell the 1100, I have had a Suzuki Vstrom 650 as a hire bike in Thailand and was very happy with how it performed over the mountains two up, the Kawasaki versys is very similar in performance as well, both have the more upright riding position and much lighter.

Believe it or not Al but there's only 15lbs difference in the wet weight of both. The Vstrom 650 is 490lbs wet and the 11S is 505lbs

Re: R1100S trade in for?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:37 pm
by Al
Certainly feels a lot lighter when riding one, seating position and weight distribution possibly.
