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Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:25 am
by dave the german
OK, another of those threads which has been done to death!!
Insurance due next month and each year I keep saying I'm going to have a search to get the best deal but always leave it late and end up with Auntie Carol. Over the past few years the price has crept upend up and I feel it's time to look around.... so.... who has multi bike policies and with whom? Auntie Carole will want, I expect close to £600 for my 3 bikes - no performance enhancing mods just some cosmetic carbon and I'm hearing of people with more bikes for substantially less. Help posse!!

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:36 am
by Al
I use bikesure for two bikes I think it's just under £300, fully comp both bikes Euro cover etc, only issue I have is if bike at home it has to be in the garage. Couple of the guys at work are with Bemoto, happy with the service from them, I was going to shop around in sept so will give them a call.


Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:51 am
by Grip Fast
I stayed with Bennetts again this year. £350 for two bikes, but that includes a couple of extras, such as RAC breakdown, legal, and leathers & helmet. The minimum, without extras would have been £299 plus £20 arrangement fee.

I'll probably do a meerkat search this year - I usually do a change of provider every 2 to 3 years. Once you've gone through the pain of entering all your details into one of these comparison sites, it becomes easier next time - you just do a quick confirmation that nothing has changed (or change any detail that has), and Robert is your mother's brother.

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:40 pm
by nab 301
Different jurisdiction so not really relevant and we don't have anywhere near the choice you have ... but i've been multi biking with Carole Nash since '98. The couple of alternatives that I've tried over the years generally work out dearer or won't cover the number of bikes I have on one policy!

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:11 pm
by SP250
E Bike - all on line though.
£260 for 3 bikes (but I am old, with clean licence and live in the country-side not a town).

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:11 pm
by Al
I was with Ecar and Ebike at the same time, got hit in the car and they were useless so changed both to different insurers at renewal time, it was a while ago and I'm sure somebody will have had issues with every insurance company. Post on UKGSER at the moment about issues with bikesure, hopefully I won't have to make claim and find out.


Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:45 pm
by Boxered
As I have only ever owned 1 bike at a time I cannot help with multibike policies, however I have just had an email from with a quote based on last years details for £81, thats fully comp with protected no claims.
Yes I am an old git with 20+ years NCB and a spotlessly clean licence for at least the last 15 years. but even so, I will
wait for my current insurer (Hastings) to offer me a renewal before deciding, but that was only £108 last year.


Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:39 am
by dave the german
Thanks all. I to fall into the old git category so going to get all details listed and try a few. I would like to stay with Auntie Carole as I hate the time it takes up and then being bombarded with mail/calls at that time of year but I may be able to use some quotes as a bargaining tool

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:08 am
by Stu
Try CIA Insurance. I pay £246 for two bikes.

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:24 am
by Paul
At the very least Dave, go online to the Carole Nash web site and enter all your details as if you were a new customer. When I did that with my current insurer, the price they came back with was better than the renewal quote they had posted to me, and when I phoned them up to point that out, they honoured the lower price.


Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:10 pm
by dave the german
off after tonight for a few days so will be spending some time looking for the best deal

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:36 pm
by Topcat
Hi Dave,

I use Ridersure through a broker that we have used for ages, can give a number if interested, about £350 for my two R1200S with all the mods on the silver one declared, but they wouldn't put the R1200RS on the same policy, too new.

Gin has her S1000RR and K13S with them as well, about £450 for both bikes but on separate policy's only because they wouldn't insurance me as well if on same one.

Under written by Aegis who were very good when the RS got nicked, paid up in no time. Have since had a few phone calls because the bike was in London when nicked and it shouldn't have been but all sorted now. I guess that will not affect you up in deepest darkest t'up north :wink:

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:31 pm
by boxerscott
Dave, change of name to Davina and explain that you do not go out on Boxertrix ride outs anymore or socialize much with the lads, tell them you are cross gender person and getting in touch with your feminine side this may help reduce your premiums? :wink:


Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:28 am
by dave the german
Topcat wrote:Hi Dave,

I use Ridersure through a broker that we have used for ages, can give a number if interested, about £350 for my two R1200S with all the mods on the silver one declared, but they wouldn't put the R1200RS on the same policy, too new.

Gin has her S1000RR and K13S with them as well, about £450 for both bikes but on separate policy's only because they wouldn't insurance me as well if on same one.

Under written by Aegis who were very good when the RS got nicked, paid up in no time. Have since had a few phone calls because the bike was in London when nicked and it shouldn't have been but all sorted now. I guess that will not affect you up in deepest darkest t'up north :wink:
That actually sort of puts my 3 in the same ballpark - guess it's search time :( :(

Re: Dreaded insurance

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:28 am
by dave the german
boxerscott wrote:Dave, change of name to Davina and explain that you do not go out on Boxertrix ride outs anymore or socialize much with the lads, tell them you are cross gender person and getting in touch with your feminine side this may help reduce your premiums? :wink:

I thought I was changing it to Gillian the German? Make your mind up!! :wink: