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No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:31 pm
by tanneman
I'm afraid that this is a Power Commander 111 issue. During the winter there was no problems starting the R1100S (ridden infrequently I should add) but yesterday it refused to be coaxed into life. Fuel pressure ok as pump runs until pressure is build, fuel in tank is more than 5 litres, spark at spark plugs, no fuel at the injectors. Removed the PC 111 (PC 111 USB) connections and it fires the injector. The bike starts ok with the PC 111 disconnected. This rules out any kill switch, side stand switch etc issues. My questions are: Is there a battery that could have run dead in the PC 111? And is it possible to lose the mapping when the battery is dead? Any pointers would greatly appreciated.
The next course of action is to connect the 9V external supply to the PC 111 and see if the bike starts. After that is would be the dreaded panel removal and checking power supply and earth connections are still good.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:14 pm
by adam
I'm not a fan of Power Commanders. I've known several fail on Buells and cause all sorts of glitches. There's no internal battery, but there may be capacitors? The PC is only a 'patch' and not as good as a remap (in my opinion)
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:34 pm
by tanneman
Capacitors would have discharged a very long time ago and who remaps an 11s. Anyway, connected the 9V battery to it and the bike fired up instantly. So I guess that somewhere there is a power supply issue.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:40 am
by boxerscott
tanneman wrote:Capacitors would have discharged a very long time ago and who remaps an 11s. Anyway, connected the 9V battery to it and the bike fired up instantly. So I guess that somewhere there is a power supply issue.
Interesting post, You have identified the cause of the problem. The pc must be knocking on a bit would you be inclined to bite the bullet and replace with new? What other options does one consider?
Hope you arrive at a cost effective solution.
I was interested about the re mapping comment, my thoughts were to remove the pc and go with standard.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:50 am
by tanneman
I can't really put it back to standard. The bike has some mods on it which makes it run lean so the PC 111 is necessary for the optimum performance.
I have not investigated further as I have been training yesterday afternoon and this morning and starting night shift tonight. Next week will be the earliest opportunity.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:30 pm
by boxerscott
Keep us posted please. I am sure others have had this issue to deal with. I was wondering if the y piece has been fitted then perhaps try sourcing a compatible chip for the ecu to address the fuelling that way.
I guess these things are pretty scarce and maybe a gamble with a used pc111?
Good luck.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:32 pm
tanneman wrote:Capacitors would have discharged a very long time ago and who remaps an 11s. Anyway, connected the 9V battery to it and the bike fired up instantly. So I guess that somewhere there is a power supply issue.
Do a search on the Pelican there are plenty of posts about some PC’s needing a battery source.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:59 pm
by Hay Ewe^
Aparantly the power suly for the pc111 comes from one of the injectors....

Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:47 am
by tanneman
boxerscott wrote:the y piece has been fitted
It is a whole lot more than just a Y piece.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:49 am
by tanneman
Hay Ewe^ wrote:Aparantly the power suly for the pc111 comes from one of the injectors....

So I have been told. There is a few other steps I would like to take but can't see that the PC 111 will come off as it is much needed.
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:56 pm
by boxerscott
tanneman wrote:boxerscott wrote:the y piece has been fitted
It is a whole lot more than just a Y piece.
Tell us more...
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:30 pm
by tanneman
boxerscott wrote:Tell us more...
Lennies inlet, K&N air filter, .......

Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:40 pm
by tanneman
Well, the bike started with no dramas, I even removed the 9V battery and it ha been ok today. We'll see...
Re: No fuel at injectors.
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:40 am
Hi If its any good to you, I have a "John Gemi Stage 10" chip that over fuelled my 1100s a bit as it has only a K&N and Vandeline pipe & cans.