GDPR Fatigue
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 7:40 pm
Apart from one lucky bloke on here who, because of GDPR, seems to have inherited a small wine cellar from BA, is anyone else getting mightily fatigued by GDPR?
It started with a drip - RSPB, several months ago, asking me to say "yes" to receiving marketing and event information from them (ignored on the grounds I can look on their website if I want to know that stuff). Now it's a flood of emails, variously asking me to agree to the corresponding company or charity or organisation sending me more junk mail. All bar one ignored.
A few have said doing nothing is tantamount to agreeing (blooming cheek - I want ignoring you to mean "go away and delete any data you hold about me"). Some have asked me to to check that information they hold is accurate, and providing a link to the relevant info - but I have an allergy to clicking on links in emails (full stop), but from companies I don't remember ever buying anything from - delete what you hold on me and FOXTROT OSCAR!!!
And a significant number of emails are me asking to "read carefully" their data protection policy "here" (another link to potential trouble), "especially section X which details your legal bla bla bla zzzzzzzz" where X is a number that tells me there are way too many sections to read anyway, and besides I'm not a lawyer so find that stuff introduces instant narcolepsy.
Who dreamed this up? Will it change anything? I'm hoping when the flood stops, so will at least 90% of junk mail I used to get, and those I do get I can report for breaking GDPR regulations.
It started with a drip - RSPB, several months ago, asking me to say "yes" to receiving marketing and event information from them (ignored on the grounds I can look on their website if I want to know that stuff). Now it's a flood of emails, variously asking me to agree to the corresponding company or charity or organisation sending me more junk mail. All bar one ignored.
A few have said doing nothing is tantamount to agreeing (blooming cheek - I want ignoring you to mean "go away and delete any data you hold about me"). Some have asked me to to check that information they hold is accurate, and providing a link to the relevant info - but I have an allergy to clicking on links in emails (full stop), but from companies I don't remember ever buying anything from - delete what you hold on me and FOXTROT OSCAR!!!
And a significant number of emails are me asking to "read carefully" their data protection policy "here" (another link to potential trouble), "especially section X which details your legal bla bla bla zzzzzzzz" where X is a number that tells me there are way too many sections to read anyway, and besides I'm not a lawyer so find that stuff introduces instant narcolepsy.
Who dreamed this up? Will it change anything? I'm hoping when the flood stops, so will at least 90% of junk mail I used to get, and those I do get I can report for breaking GDPR regulations.