In my previous role as "Global IT Manager" ....aka by colleagues as GIT I travelled extensively for the company, I'd forgotten about my airmiles until this new GDPR compliance kicked in and I got an email from BA reminding me of my airmiles.
Not fancying travelling alone, I noted that they could be exchanged for wine, 72 bottles of average or 60 bottles of good stuff. So I went for the 60 bottles.... RESULT that'll keep me going for a while!
Steve Parry
Current fleet: '14 F800GS, '87 R80RS, '03 R1100S BoxerCup, '15 R1200RT LE Dynamic, '90 K1, '05 K1200S
you forgot to put the date of the party - I'm sure this was just an oversight on your part..... so..... when is it? I'm sure a few of us could attend and, err, "help you out"
'15 R1200GS TE
'06 R1200S
'04 BCR
Yam SR 500 long term restoration
wanna win the lottery and ride my bike
Sounds like someone has lost the plot.
All thats gonna do is make grapefruit juice alcoholic, so you can't drive, and ruin good beer.
Or am I now getting too old to see the point?