Back on the bike stopped by Plod

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Back on the bike stopped by Plod

Post by Valhalla »

Well I have been back on the bike for a few months now after my high-side back in Oct 2017.

On the way home from work yesterday I was pulled in by a member of Essex motorcycle plod for 37mph in a 30mph area. He was well hidden and to be honest I was only doing 37mph because I had just changed gear after turning into the road.

With some advice about speed etc and a word of encouragement to try some advanced training I was allowed to return to my ride home. I think my age and the fact that he could see I was not a tearaway youth allowed him to just give me a slap and nothing more.

However it makes you think had is have been plod in a car might I have been given a fine and some training instead?????

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Re: Back on the bike stopped by Plod

Post by popsky »

That’s the best thing with a real life police, they can make a judgmet call, and a good one in your case, where as a camera there and you’d have points plus a fine. We’re you on the Racer ?

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Re: Back on the bike stopped by Plod

Post by Humbug »

Give me a Plod in person every time. I have been subjected to a deserved ear bashing and nothing more a couple of times in my riding career. 9 points from cameras on deserted motorways at between 11pm and 3am in the morning over a 5 year period.
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Re: Back on the bike stopped by Plod

Post by BoxerCup R »

I agree with popsky and Humbug and the same has happened to me ref Cameras and plod, Happy Days :D
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Re: Back on the bike stopped by Plod

Post by adam »

Once you pass 'The Attitude Test', I've found most of the Plod who've stopped me for 'advice' to be pretty reasonable fellas. Once, in N.Wales, a Copper even apologised for his Chief Constable (Dick head Brunstrom - some years ago) for bringing them into disrepute by pulling bike needlessly :lol:
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