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Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:17 pm
by BoxerCup R
Now then

I might need a new clutch fitting to my BoxerCup, that's not gonna be cheap :shock:

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:52 pm
by Neil178
How many miles has it done and what year?
Fingers crossed it’s not the spline. Hopefully it’s a shagged our disc in which case have a think about the replacement. Available now with a longer ???? Brain fade, can’t think what the centre part is called! Help!

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:40 pm
by BoxerCup R
Now then Neil

6254 miles and its a 2004. Been stood as an ornament most of its life, I've put 2000 miles on it since I got it a year ago.

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:54 pm
by The Teutonic Tangerine
What have you been doing to it my 1100s had done 62000 miles when I sold it and the clutch was still good. Are you sure its not contaminated with oil or damp rot damp through neglect :oops:

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:28 am
by BoxerCup R
The Teutonic Tangerine wrote:What have you been doing to it

Riding it, more than any other owner of it :wink:

The Teutonic Tangerine wrote:Are you sure its not contaminated with oil or damp rot damp through neglect :oops:
Possibly but is there another way of finding out other than splitting the bike apart ? Tell me.

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:02 pm
by The Teutonic Tangerine
There was a trick with Juddering clutches that were contaminated (especially Ford Sierras) and that was brakes on into gear and slipping the clutch til it ponked then let it cool down. This had the effect of drying out the Clutch and knocking off any high spots. If you had a serious leak from gearbox or engine I think it would show by seeping out and dripping then it would be time to split it apart. Not done it to an 1100 but did put a new Gearbox into 1200ST - not hard but fiddly getting the rear sub frame and suspension out of the way without splitting brake lines

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:52 pm
by BoxerCup R
Now then Tuetonic (can't shorten your forum name anymore than that :lol: )

Interesting, can't do any harm trying I guess :bom: . Allan Jefferies said "They have to split the bike in half, basically separate the engine and gearbox to change the clutch" :shock: Point is, I need a clutch, it's not like I can get away without one :D

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:04 pm
by slparry
BoxerCup R wrote:Now then Tuetonic (can't shorten your forum name anymore than that :lol: )

Interesting, can't do any harm trying I guess :bom: . Allan Jefferies said "They have to split the bike in half, basically separate the engine and gearbox to change the clutch" :shock: Point is, I need a clutch, it's not like I can get away without one :D
basically the same as this R1100GS

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:10 pm
by Topcat
Had a problem with the gear box in my R1200S.

Walked past it twice in the work shop before I released that the pile of bits was my bike!

They are literally split in half to get at the clutch :shock:

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:02 pm
by boxerscott
hey up, bin there, done that. interesting job to do. Loads of How to`s on the web.

I think BMW`s assertion that the clutch is a dry one is a wee misleading at times!

Good luck, wanna buy a mint gixxer whilst your bcr is in bits?

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:28 am
by BoxerCup R
slparry wrote:
basically the same as this R1100GS
Thanx for the vid Steve :wink:

Topcat> It is true then :shock:

boxerscott wrote:hey up, bin there, done that. interesting job to do. Loads of How to`s on the web.

Good luck, wanna buy a mint gixxer whilst your bcr is in bits?
Above me I think and I wouldn't make the time :oops: and thanx for the offer but got me XJR to ride and a S1000R as a courtesy bike for a week :D

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:27 pm
by Neil178
Nice courtesy bike! So the garage are doing the repair?
This is the modified clutch plate from Motorworks ... Clutch friction plate replacement with longer splines CLA33264. The extra cost has got to be worth it for piece of mind.
Drilling the slave cylinder is also worth considering.

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:20 am
by BoxerCup R
Neil178 wrote:Nice courtesy bike! So the garage are doing the repair?
This is the modified clutch plate from Motorworks ... Clutch friction plate replacement with longer splines CLA33264. The extra cost has got to be worth it for piece of mind.
Yes they are. Thanx Neil

Neil178 wrote:Drilling the slave cylinder is also worth considering.
Explain a bit more please, interested

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:47 am
by popsky
Always thought this a good piccy, courtesy of James Sherlock

Re: Possible New Clutch req.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:26 pm
by Topcat
Yep, that was what mine looked liked :D

Only released it was my bike because of the blue rear sets :lol: