Won’t start part 2

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Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

Hello all, continuing the saga of me nicking some poor blokes post for my non starting S.

Well it now starts, faulty kill switch was the problem

Not running correctly still, but at least it starts. Actually pretty cool as flames out the exhaust.

Will try to post a video...
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Hay Ewe^
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by Hay Ewe^ »

it starts and runs for a few minutes?
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

It starts, it runs, it pops and backfires grey/black smoke, and won’t tick over.
But plus point it has cool flames coming out the exhaust :D

Only other thing I’ve touched other than alarm is the K&N air filter. Cleaning and re oiling.
Maybe I’ve applied too much oil, I’ve never done one before.

I have a video of it I’m trying to post. Recorded it on my phone, apparently as wrong format.
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by Hay Ewe^ »

Just for trial and error, remove the airfilter
dont ride around with no filter, but remove it and see if the back firing and flames continue.

have you checked that the throttle cables are correctly seated in the adjustable barrels

if it still runs rough after that, a full throttle body balance is called for, and TPS voltage setting.

lets see how that works out
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

Thats next on my to do list, remove filter.

The bit I don't understand is, when I last used bike we'd done about 300 miles in a day going to France. The alarm started playing up on way back. I've removed alarm, guy who found the fault says what I'd did was correct as in rejoining the wires.

The only other thing I've touched is the air filter.
It's a K&N, I bought a service kit for it. Have cleaned it and re-oiled it. Maybe been too generous with the oil?

Took a wicked video with my phone, cant upload it on here. Its recorded as a MOV file. This site doesnt like them apparntly

No idea how to change the format so guess thats game over :cry:
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by sjrainsford »

stevesilver wrote: Took a wicked video with my phone, cant upload it on here. Its recorded as a MOV file. This site doesnt like them apparntly

No idea how to change the format so guess thats game over :cry:
I'd probably upload to youtube, then just post a link to it on here.
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

Quick update, run bike without airfilter in.
Bloody hell, induction roar louder than the race cans :lol:

Anyhow, runs much better, nowhere near perfect, still doesnt quite tick over.

Next is put it together and take it to my BMW specialist for fine tuning, and get them put me right hand switch gear together properly :?
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

Am having trouble putting the right hand handle bar switches back together.
As I didn't take it apart, I wasn't sure how to reassemble it.
forgive me for lacking the correct terminology for the parts

I had 3 pieces, 1 went underneath the throttle cable part . Clips in place, so must be in the right place.

Then 2 pieces left, one was the main part with the switches on. Screwed in place, except wont line up properly at the bottom.
3rd piece left, goes underneath, just cannot get that to line up properly.
Cannot find anything on the web to help, the bmw sites dont give enough detail.

Need a close up picture of underneath the switch.
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by Hay Ewe^ »

Standby, give me about 12hours till its daylight and i shall get some pics in the morning and post them up

in the mean while, this may help to understand how the parts attach and fit together
http://www.maxbmwmotorcycles.com/fiche/ ... d=07242017
diagram 32-0930.

Now, when I changed out the throttle cables on my 1150GS, there is a note in the IPC pages from MaxBMW about a kit that changes the waht the throttle cables rolls on to the twist grip. I dont see that note in the 1100S diagrams.
It could be that the kit is applicable, just that the note isnt there.
It could be that the kit has been applied to your bike, if so, it may be different from my 1100S

I have had the RHS throttle grip open a few times and getting it back together is a bit tricky, I think I may even have a part not installed.
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

Seen that, good website. Found a website that when you click on a part, it shows you all the other bikes that part is fitted on.
Of course now I wanted to share it, I cannot find it again :oops:
Discovered that the complete r/h switch assemble for a 1100S is £95, but if you look up the other models its fitted to, its cheaper. £65 :lol:

Of course being a tight arse, motorworks had just the kill switch button which is deep inside the switch. I opted for that£10.

I need a detailed break down of the parts. I'm pretty sure I know where the major exterior plastic bits go.
Its just the gaps between the master cylinder side and the switch body, I cannot get them to close up properly. So presume I have done something incorrect inside the switch body.

So annoying, spent over an hour on it the other day......
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by stevesilver »

This is driving me to the hat shop FFS!!!!

Latest update on bloody bike, soldered in replacement kill switch, (Still can’t figure out how to get the bottom part of throttle handgrip together).
Bike now starts, offside throttle cable was completely shagged, so have replaced that, and adjusted it.

Bike still not running right, its backfiring and popping and seems so much louder than before.

Guy I know who's well into his cars and modding them happened to pass by when I was having a fiddle with the bike and within 5 seconds had pointed out the bike is not running on the offside cylinder.

Have bought new set plugs (twinspark), it runs a little better and actually ticks over on its own, but still on just one pot.

Swapped stick coils over, and injectors over, made no difference, so they must be ok.
Went to swap HT leads over, but holy shit think I'm outta my depth now.
The HT lead from the distributor (if that is what it is under the tank) only goes to the bottom 2nd spark plug. Where the hell does the main plug get its spark from?

This is a real mind fu*k for me.
Any suggestions, apart from taking to my local BMW specialist?
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Re: Won’t start part 2

Post by nab 301 »

stevesilver wrote: Swapped stick coils over, and injectors over, made no difference, so they must be ok.
Went to swap HT leads over, but holy shit think I'm outta my depth now.
The HT lead from the distributor (if that is what it is under the tank) only goes to the bottom 2nd spark plug. Where the hell does the main plug get its spark from?

This is a real mind fu*k for me.
Any suggestions, apart from taking to my local BMW specialist?
I've only a single spark bike . You have same as me a twin output coil wasted spark which fires both lower plugs at the same time . ( this fires the single plug on my bike) The main plugs on your bike are fired by the stick coils . There are no Ht leads on these , the stick coil plugs directly onto the spark plug . There are(or should be!) lightweight electrical cables / connectors on these stick coils which trigger them via the motronic engine management unit.( Maybe this connector is damaged on one side?)
If you have a basic ohmmeter you can remove the ht coil leads from the coil (under the tank) and the secondary plugs and check continuity / resistance quite easily .

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