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Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:11 am
by Mr Charrington
I found this on the net and im thinking of trying it
as a kind of safety measure .
Has anybody else try that or anything similar ?
Re: Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:38 pm
by metropolis2k
Neat idea but I've genuinely never heard of the system panniers randomly falling off, and have never come remotely close to experiencing it myself!
Re: Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:12 pm
by GerryB
Its a good idea.
I use a strap around my paniers on long trips , just so I can feel better , and not continually feel them .
Re: Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:26 pm
by The Teutonic Tangerine
I think he was saying "if your locking system is damaged here's a cheap fix". The panniers on my RT lock on in a similar way and are key locked onto the bike but I guess you could do this for extra security. Also might be an idea for GS owners who are planning a long distance trip involving Long way round type riding - belt and braces approach.

Re: Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:48 am
by Mr Charrington
I dont know if there in England all the roads are in prictine contition ,i guess they are
but here at the Balkans the well meinteined roads , are the rare exeption
mostly they are some new private owned higways with expensive tolls, that people avoid to use .
So falling off bmw system panniers is not a common situation , dy all means
(althought there have been several incidents mentioned at the Greek moto forums )
dut it is a possibility that you have in the dack of you mind
as you are loading your motorcycle for your next trip.
Also as a friend mentioned above GS owners might find it interesting too.
This small tip that i have presented here
requires very litle and also harmless modifications to your bike and your panniers
such us two small drills , costs nothing but offers you first of all , a peace of mind.
Also a better weight distribution for the pannier, in three points instead of two
specially under severe vertical forces
and a snug and secure fit
with significant less wobbling back there.
You know what they say
precaution is better than cure so i spent some time to make that mod on my dike .
First of all i decided to replace that girlie Barbie safety pin
with a robust manly allen key ,detailed with some silikon stuff for a better grip.
Here are some pictures.
Re: Safety tip for bmw system cases
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:03 pm
by bfisher
Timely topic, i noticed last week my panniers can be readily 'pulled' off without too much effort to the point its made me somewhat nervous how good the system is. I haven't noticed this before & i'm pretty sure i've played with these in the past & they have never come off as easily as they did last week. Its got me thinking, the bike has fallen over on each pannier in past 12 months (yes, unfortunately, but the panniers did save the day), so its got me thinking have i damaged the rails somewhere. .. Before i go looking, is this a familiar 'feature' of these panniers?