Thought I'd better update this, as all does not appear well. Cleaning the bike this morning, I noticed these rusty coloured spots on the headers, which is clearly coming from under the surface. I'll send an 'I'm not very happy' email to the Camcoat on Monday and see what, if anything, they have to say.
Oh no! I've been hanging fire, waiting for your update. It don't look good Dave. I wonder if their preperation was poor or the coating is porous. Mind you, they haven't discoloured nearer the port. How many miles have they done since they were coated mate?
Mr. Spock is my role model so be advised; I possess no (discernible) sense of humour.
It's all VFR (DCT) round here now. STILL missing my 1100s tho.
el-nicko wrote: Oh no! I've been hanging fire, waiting for your update. It don't look good Dave. I wonder if their preperation was poor or the coating is porous. Mind you, they haven't discoloured nearer the port. How many miles have they done since they were coated mate?
Not many, perhaps 500-600 miles. No excuse for poor prep, they had them 5 weeks!
el-nicko wrote: Oh no! I've been hanging fire, waiting for your update. It don't look good Dave. I wonder if their preperation was poor or the coating is porous. Mind you, they haven't discoloured nearer the port. How many miles have they done since they were coated mate?
Not many, perhaps 500-600 miles. No excuse for poor prep, they had them 5 weeks!
Well, I'm an old cynic so I can just imagine the gaffer saying to his foreman " That bikers bin on the blower agin askin 'bout his f**kin pipes. Give 'em a quick moppin' an chuck 'em in the vat with the other rubbish" It's surely one or the other; poor 'prep' or porosity don't you think? Anyway, do keep us up with 'developments' please Dave.
Mr. Spock is my role model so be advised; I possess no (discernible) sense of humour.
It's all VFR (DCT) round here now. STILL missing my 1100s tho.
perhaps it would be worth pointing out to them that several (at least) potential customers are awaiting the outcome as they too would like the process done?
Steve Parry
Current fleet: '14 F800GS, '87 R80RS, '03 R1100S BoxerCup, '15 R1200RT LE Dynamic, '90 K1, '05 K1200S
slparry wrote:perhaps it would be worth pointing out to them that several (at least) potential customers are awaiting the outcome as they too would like the process done?
Yup,true, an' I'm one of 'em Steve.
Mr. Spock is my role model so be advised; I possess no (discernible) sense of humour.
It's all VFR (DCT) round here now. STILL missing my 1100s tho.
But they wouldn't have rusted this quick if they had been left out in the rain.
Your right it looks like there are inclusions [think thats the right word]probably oil or grease from someones hands under the coating
They can get in at the factory as well and affect paint have a look at the mudguards on the next harley v.rod you see of course harley deny their's a problem!
However i am suprised they coated a used exhaust system i dont know the ins and outs of this process but when a mate of mine was working in a chroming factory he was almost sacked for putting a used exhaust in it he ruined the complete vat
From those two pics - the marking seems to be in the area nearest the port.
It also seems to be 360 deg around the pipes, which should rule out external impingement?
If it is corrosion from inside - I would be thinking initially, that some part of the cleaning process used a ferous brush/wheel, which had contaminated the parent metal?
That said - I would expect some of the markings to look like scratches rather than spatter.
They don't polish out, do they?
If I am ever on life support - Unplug me......
Then plug me back in..........
Yes, they may well polish out, but the whole point of having this done was to try to cut out some of the polishing. I'll certainly be mentioning the interest being shown by some on here to the outcome of this, if it has to come to that, but hopefully it won't and there'll be a solution.
Mike, I called round at Bill's this afternoon and he'd just got his back from the coaters. They were on the bench ready to fit. Probably not the best time to turn up and point out the brown dots in mine.