Well judging by the great deal I got on my F800S, I guess they had a pang of guilt about the Wunderlich markup and decided to put something back into the community by offering silly deals on bikes
As an aside, I received a letter from the administrator of SPC on Saturday morning, claiming I owed then over £900 and asking for a cheque, pronto. They supported this spurious assertion with a document on SPC notepaper with a statement of account for me. There were two lines on there, one showing a debit of £6,492 (presumably the figure SPC had the bike on their books for when they bought it as a demonstrator/loan bike) and the second a credit of £5,500 which is what I purchased it off them for. The lightening quick minds of the administrators instantly leapt to the conclusion that I therefore owed them the balance of £992... I have written to disabuse them of that curious notion, enclosing a copy of my sales receipt... Cheeky beggers
You really need only two tools: WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.
Paul wrote:Well judging by the great deal I got on my F800S, I guess they had a pang of guilt about the Wunderlich markup and decided to put something back into the community by offering silly deals on bikes
More likely your money went straight into Ronnie's pension fund
Met a guy at Stafford who has a bid into BMW to resurrect SPC, don't think it'll be long before they are trading under new management - with a completely different set of business morals
It's not how fast you ride, it's how you ride fast.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear
bright until you hear them speak.
Paul wrote:Well judging by the great deal I got on my F800S, I guess they had a pang of guilt about the Wunderlich markup and decided to put something back into the community by offering silly deals on bikes
As an aside, I received a letter from the administrator of SPC on Saturday morning, claiming I owed then over £900 and asking for a cheque, pronto. They supported this spurious assertion with a document on SPC notepaper with a statement of account for me. There were two lines on there, one showing a debit of £6,492 (presumably the figure SPC had the bike on their books for when they bought it as a demonstrator/loan bike) and the second a credit of £5,500 which is what I purchased it off them for. The lightening quick minds of the administrators instantly leapt to the conclusion that I therefore owed them the balance of £992... I have written to disabuse them of that curious notion, enclosing a copy of my sales receipt... Cheeky beggers
That's not cheeky, that's just f@cking incompetant, that sort of nonsense drives me feckin potty. They're meant to be in trying to tidy things up and they can't even check a simple fecking invoice ! What firm of brain surgeons are acting ( and I mean that ! ) as administrators Paul ?
What you should do is send them an invoice for your time as they've wasted it through their numpties.
That's not cheeky, that's just f@cking incompetant
From the couple of my erstwhile clients that rudely went bankrupt owing me money... notes from the administrators are always cause for amusement, usually along the lines of:
number of creditors - 65780
amount of debt - £999999.99
administrator's fee - £999993.75
amount due to me - 30p
Silver lining is I rang Guildford BMW today and had a really useful conversation with the service guy there, they were really helpful, didn't mind spending abit of time chatting about my queries and makes me think (if I can afford it) future dealings will be done there from now on.
He said tho' he's choka with SPC work on top of their usual workload at the moment!
Cheers, Dave
ps my prediction for the lottery is - every pound you spend is a pound you'll never see again!!
Paul wrote:Well judging by the great deal I got on my F800S, I guess they had a pang of guilt about the Wunderlich markup and decided to put something back into the community by offering silly deals on bikes
As an aside, I received a letter from the administrator of SPC on Saturday morning, claiming I owed then over £900 and asking for a cheque, pronto. They supported this spurious assertion with a document on SPC notepaper with a statement of account for me. There were two lines on there, one showing a debit of £6,492 (presumably the figure SPC had the bike on their books for when they bought it as a demonstrator/loan bike) and the second a credit of £5,500 which is what I purchased it off them for. The lightening quick minds of the administrators instantly leapt to the conclusion that I therefore owed them the balance of £992... I have written to disabuse them of that curious notion, enclosing a copy of my sales receipt... Cheeky beggers
You are not alone. Have a browse of the ukGSer website to see more than one post of a similar vein to yours.
Forgive me father for I have sinned... ex S owner moved onto pastures new with four cylinders and a chain... and back to a twin, albeit in a V.
decisivedave wrote:Silver lining is I rang Guildford BMW today and had a really useful conversation with the service guy there, they were really helpful, didn't mind spending abit of time chatting about my queries and makes me think (if I can afford it) future dealings will be done there from now on.
He said tho' he's choka with SPC work on top of their usual workload at the moment!
Cheers, Dave
ps my prediction for the lottery is - every pound you spend is a pound you'll never see again!!
oo fuck - Guildford is my dealer and I need a service soon..... hmmmm
Paul wrote:
As an aside, I received a letter from the administrator of SPC on Saturday morning, claiming I owed then over £900 and asking for a cheque, pronto. They supported this spurious assertion with a document on SPC notepaper with a statement of account for me. There were two lines on there, one showing a debit of £6,492 (presumably the figure SPC had the bike on their books for when they bought it as a demonstrator/loan bike) and the second a credit of £5,500 which is what I purchased it off them for. Paul
Good job I didn't buy their black R1200S. I'd probably owe them 3.5 grand.