A HD even I could like :)

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My bike shines when it rains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dyslexic Dai


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Post by slparry »

when they make one with footrests under or behind my backside ... maybe :) ..... feet first ... nahda :)
Steve Parry

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Post by Dai wiskers »

Street rod roadtest in the second link more power more ground clearance feet under bum
My bike shines when it rains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dyslexic Dai


Dan Cata


Post by bikesnbones »

slparry wrote:I hired a 1600cc HD in the USA for a weekend once, it and a previously ridden 1981 Triumph Bonneville, were the worst two bikes I've ridden in 40 years of riding, !
You can't make a judgement like that in the context of a ride back in the early 80's.
That's be like someone judging the R1200S based on their experience of an 80's R100RS.
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Post by slparry »

bikesnbones wrote:
slparry wrote:I hired a 1600cc HD in the USA for a weekend once, it and a previously ridden 1981 Triumph Bonneville, were the worst two bikes I've ridden in 40 years of riding, !
You can't make a judgement like that in the context of a ride back in the early 80's.
That's be like someone judging the R1200S based on their experience of an 80's R100RS.
The HD was ridden around 2008 so was a newish HD, the Triumph was an original. This is it


My point was that they're both, to the general public, icons of motorcycling, but in reality, to me, they were both hideously flawed.

Sure there will be some that like them, such is the way of the world. But they're definately not my cup of tea.

The guy who had the Triumph was p/xing it against a GPz1100-B2 ... he'd bought it to "buy" into the whole "biker" thing of having a bonnie... and wanted to use it to travel to his chosen football teams away games, but sadly it missed more games than his team missed goals apparently, due to breaking down etc. For a 12 month old bike that was a very poor state of affairs (heck even my naughty K12GT has never actually broken down yet :) )

The GPz scared the bejeesus out of him so much on the test ride he couldn't wait to sign on the dotted line :)

same model as this

the bonnie was the same as this

Steve Parry

Current fleet: '14 F800GS, '87 R80RS, '03 R1100S BoxerCup, '15 R1200RT LE Dynamic, '90 K1, '05 K1200S

Post by bikesnbones »

slparry wrote: The HD was ridden around 2008 so was a newish HD,
I suspect if a Harley rider got onto a R1100/1200S he/she might come to the same conclusion.
One thing is sure.
When it comes to this type of bike, Harley rule.
Born out by the fact that the Japanese clone them so regularly.
Imitation is the best form of flattery, so they say.
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Post by Dai wiskers »

Looks like my bike's little sister

With a weight problem
My bike shines when it rains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dyslexic Dai


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Post by slparry »

If .... and it's a highly unlikely "if" I were ever to want a feet first style custom bike I'd probably go for a Japanese incarnation, because I just know it would work and be reliable. I've ridden a few in the past when I worked for Kawasaki and whilst not my cup of tea they were pleasant enough. A friend has one of the 1800cc (I think) Suzuki's and it looks quite a "pretty" thing. But then it manages to look up to date and not a 50' throwback, same as this I think

Steve Parry

Current fleet: '14 F800GS, '87 R80RS, '03 R1100S BoxerCup, '15 R1200RT LE Dynamic, '90 K1, '05 K1200S
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Post by Steve1200S »

The white and blue 1800 intruder looks nice IMO. It a massive bit of kit though.....

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Post by Twinspark »

I couldn't ride a bike named after a sex toy.
Fucked Off!
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