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by R1100S Mechanik
Fri May 16, 2008 3:21 pm
Forum: Boxertech
Topic: Throttle cables play ???
Replies: 3
Views: 2533

Throttle cables play ???

[/b] Why am I having so much problems with setting up my throttle cables.
I've done research on the web in regards to this topic and the other day I tried to set my throttle cables up, but I couldn't get the required free play everyone states I should have .
All my cable adjusters are screwed down ...
by R1100S Mechanik
Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:58 pm
Forum: Boxertech
Topic: Updated cam chain tensioner !!!!!
Replies: 2
Views: 2836

Updated cam chain tensioner !!!!!

For all of you suffering from endless cam chain noise, I purchased the updated tensioner and let me tell you it works bloody lovely !!!!!!

2001 R1100S (with a R1150RT high compression engine)
Full remus 2/2 exhaust
Wunderlich performance controller
tons of carbon fiber

Well worth the money ...